Obmin-Privat — cryptocurrency exchange
Instant cryptocurrency exchange USDT, Btc, ETH, TRx, Ltc with the best exchange rates for hryvnia and reverse exchange of hryvnia to crypto
- Easy and safe
- Quickly from 3 min to 35 min
- 100% transfer of funds
Profitable crypto exchange
Why Obmin-Privat?
Take advantage of the unique opportunity to exchange cryptocurrency for hryvnias through a private exchange without a complex interface! Obmin-Privat offers you a simple and reliable solution for fast exchange of cryptoassets. Thanks to a direct and personalized approach, you get favorable rates and a guarantee of the security of each transaction.
There is no need to understand complex interfaces or register on platforms - everything you need to exchange is already here on the Obmin-Privat website.
Choose convenience and reliability for your cryptocurrency financial transactions. Exchange cryptocurrency for hryvnias right now and appreciate all the advantages of private exchange with Obmin-Privat!
Saving time
Instant exchange allows users to react quickly to market changes by exchanging cryptocurrency without delay.
Favorable exchange rates
Maximize your profit when converting cryptocurrency to hryvnia.
Individual approach
It is possible to transfer according to the details on an individual request.
Reliable support
Applications are accepted 24/7.
Exchange operator working hours Mon-Fri 9:00-20:00, Sat 10:00-21:00
Stages of exchange
How to exchange cryptocurrency?
Select a pair to exchange
We exchange cryptocurrency USDT, Btc, ETH, TRx, Ltc in UAH and vice versa.
Fill out the application
Fill out the exchange application form and upload a photo according to the instructions. Be sure to check the correctness of the specified personal and contact data. It is important that the contact details in the application are valid.
Make a payment
The application is processed by the operator in manual mode. After filling out the application, we will contact you and you will receive a card for transferring funds.
Wait for the money to arrive
Each cryptocurrency has its own characteristics and number of network confirmations for enrollment.
Customer reviews
What do they say about us?
Answers to common questions
Fill out an application on the website or write in Telegram. For security, add a photo of the map in the background of the interface of our site. If you have an Internet card, then a photo from another device with the card number on your personal device.
The main value we have is our reputation and the trust of our customers. We guarantee 100 percent problem-free transfer and privacy of personal data.
The standard time of application processing and payment during working hours is from 3 to 35 minutes, depending on the load! For regular customers, the exchange works 24/7
The application is processed by the operator in manual mode.
Required number of network confirmations for cryptocurrency credit:
BTC – 2
ETH – 20
TRX – 1
LTC – 10
We exchange USDT, Btc, ETH, TRx, Ltc in UAH and vice versa. Operations may be limited to the amount from 8,000 to 500,000 hryvnias.
Thanks to direct communication and a personalized approach, you get favorable rates and a guarantee of the security of each transaction. There is no need to understand complex interfaces or register on platforms – everything you need to exchange is already here in the Obmin-Privat program. Choose convenience and reliability for your cryptocurrency financial transactions.
To contact the support service, you can write in Telegram or send a letter to e-mail. You can also find us on Facebook and Instagram.